Manufacturing sector

Circular production aims to minimize waste by designing products optimized for reuse cycles in the final or component phase, which are easy to recycle, repair, and/or refurbish.

Circular manufacturers use renewable energy sources and optimize energy usage as much as possible to support system resilience and reduce resource dependence. These manufacturers apply systemic thinking, taking into account their environment, social context, and infrastructure. In this process, digitalization of production plays a significant role, while the implementation of sustainable manufacturing processes is crucial for achieving circularity in industry and production.

Industrial symbiosis isa concept that promotes collaboration between industries to achieve sustainableand efficient outcomes. Within industrial symbiosis, one industrial entity canutilize by-products, waste materials, or resources from another entity as rawmaterials or inputs for its processes, resulting in waste reduction and optimalresource utilization. This type of mutual cooperation can lead to synergisticeffects, cost reduction, increased efficiency, and reduced environmentalimpact. Industrial symbiosis is based on principles of sustainability,cost-effectiveness, and social responsibility, representing a crucial approachin realizing a circular economy and reducing the environmental footprint of theindustry.

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