The concept of blue economy encompasses a broad spectrum of activities centered around the sustainable utilization and stewardship of marine and maritime resources, with the overarching goals of fostering economic growth, employment opportunities and environmental preservation within coastal and marine regions.
Blue Economy represents a multifaceted approach to harnessing the economic potential of its oceans and seas while safeguarding their ecological integrity and promoting sustainable growth in coastal regions. It reflects the EU's commitment to balancing economic prosperity with environmental responsibility in the maritime sector.
In order to fully integrate the blue economy into the Green Deal, European Commission published new strategy for a sustainable blue economy which promotes a sustainable, resilient, and climate-neutral model for a blue economy based on decarbonisation, circularity, conservation, climate adaptation and sustainable food production. Novel approach is based on activities that will make blue economy more sustainable and circular:
The blue economy contributes to climate change mitigation by developing offshore renewable energy, decarbonizing maritime transport and greening ports
It will make the economy more circular by renewing the standards for fishing gear design, for ship recycling and for the decommissioning of offshore platforms
Developing green infrastructure in coastal areas will help preserve biodiversity and landscapes, while benefitting tourism and the coastal economy
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